If you select this option, you will receive a single lump sum payment of your Plan benefit to be paid by the end of December 2024. For example, if your benefit is $20,200, you will receive one payment of $20,200 (tax withholding may be applied).
Yes. You must complete the forms in the packet sent to your home and return the election kit no later than December 9, 2024.
If you select this option, you will start receiving monthly benefit payments of your Plan benefit in December 2024.
Yes. Call 866‑333‑7309 to request an annuity election kit as soon as possible. Once completed, you must return the election kit no later than December 9, 2024.
If you select this option, you will have to wait until later to begin receiving payment of your Plan benefit and then will not take advantage of this special election window. Your payment will be automatically deferred to a later date.
No action is required if you select this option.
If you do not make an election by December 9, 2024, you are electing to defer payment of your Plan benefits.
Yes. If you decide to take the single lump sum payment, you can elect to roll over all or part of the lump sum payment to an IRA or other eligible employer plan.
If you are rolling over to a new IRA, you may need to set up the IRA before making the lump sum election. The rollover check will be mailed directly to you and made payable to the financial institution that administers your account. You are responsible for delivering the check to the financial institution.