The Baker Hughes Benefits Center may be reached by calling 1-866-244-3539 (TTY: 711, within the US) or 1-847-883-0945 (worldwide). Health & Protection representatives are available Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. CST.
401(k) representatives are available Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturdays 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST.
You can also chat through, Monday – Friday,7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. CST or send an email through 24/7.
You should click here to process your Qualified Status Change or call the Baker Hughes Benefits Center at 1-866-244-3539. For a list of Qualified Status Changes, click here.
You can find information about how to enroll here.
You are eligible for health and protection benefits if your payroll is US-based and you’re either a regular full-time employee or a benefits-eligible part-time employee (regularly scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week).
Eligible employees do not include:
You can cover your legal spouse of the opposite or same gender, including common law spouses in states recognizing common law marriage, or a legally separated spouse in states recognizing legal separation. You can also cover your domestic partner.
You can cover your eligible dependent children up to age 26 regardless of whether they are married, full-time students, or eligible for other group health plan coverage. In addition, you can cover your unmarried dependent children up to any age who are supported by you because of mental or physical disability; the disability must have occurred during the period in which they were an eligible dependent (up to age 26) and must previously be covered under the Baker Hughes medical plan prior to age 26.
Eligible children include:
Log in and you will be prompted to add your dependents to the plan. You will be asked to verify each dependent added to coverage.
Call the Baker Hughes Benefits Center at 1-866-244-3539 to get assistance with adding your disabled dependents to your medical plan. Only dependents who were disabled prior to age 26 are eligible for coverage. You will be walked through the process of certifying your disabled dependents through UHC or other vendors.
Yes, you can cover your spouse or domestic partner even if she/he has benefits available from another employer; however, your spouse’s or domestic partner's employer plan will be considered primary and the Baker Hughes plan will be considered secondary coverage.
Yes, you can both enroll in coverage. You may each enroll independently or you may cover your spouse or domestic partner as an eligible dependent. However, you or your spouse or domestic partner may cover dependent children. Eligible children may be enrolled as dependents of either you or your spouse or domestic partner, but not both. Coverage can be through you or your spouse or domestic partner or a combination of the two of you, so long as no person is covered more than once, including your dependents.
You are eligible to participate in the Baker Hughes 401(k) plan if you are: