Specialist Management Solutions (SMS)

Specialist Management Solutions (SMS)

Are you spending more on surgery than you need to?

Partner with Specialist Management Solutions

Specialist Management Solutions (SMS) is a holistic specialty solution that opens the door to affordable, quality care. SMS has a broad network of physicians in local communities, making finding a doctor more convenient for members. The SMS advocates can help members schedule consults with a provider, connect members with other benefit programs, and serve as the single point of contact throughout their health care journey. Specialists in the SMS alliance use ambulatory surgery centers (ASC), which means employees may receive surgical care and other procedures in an outpatient setting which may result in cost savings. The SMS  program is available at no cost to the member.*

This program is not available to employees living in Hawaii.

Specialties include:

  • Cardiovascular
  • ENT
  • Gastrointestinal
  • General Surgery
  • MSK/Spine
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedic
  • Pain Management
  • Podiatry
  • Urology
  • Women’s Health

To speak to an SMS care advocate, call 1-833-433-1339.

For more information:

* Payment for medical  appointments and treatments remain member’s responsibility and are subject to plan benefits.

Member Communication

Specialists Management Solutions is part of your health plan and exists to simplify your path to affordable, quality surgery. Think of SMS as a surgical concierge service. In one phone call to SMS, you get instant access to a care advocate who will help you find a local surgeon who specializes in your condition, schedule an appointment for you and talk to you about your options for where you can receive care for a surgery or other outpatient procedure. SMS will be available for you or your family member throughout the experience of getting surgery, available to answer questions and provide assistance at any time.

*Medical appointments and treatments remain member’s responsibility and are subject to plan benefits.

Levels of Coverage
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