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Qualified Status Changes

Changing your benefits during the year.

When life changes, you can change your benefits as shown below by clicking here.  

Health & Protection Benefits

You can make changes during the Annual Enrollment period for benefits effective January 1 of the following year. You can also make modifications if you have a change in family status, such as the birth or adoption of a child, marriage or divorce*, or if you have a change in employment status that affects your benefits eligibility. In most cases, you will need to notify the Benefits Center within 31 days from the date of the change. The effective date will be the same day as the status change (for example, your baby’s birth date or date of marriage). For more information, call the Baker Hughes Benefits Center. 

List of Qualified Status Changes

Qualified status changes include the following:  

  • Change in your marital status due to marriage, legal separation, divorce, or annulment
  • Beginning or ending a domestic partnership
  • Birth, adoption, or placement of a child for adoption
  • Death of a dependent
  • A covered dependent turns age 26 and is no longer eligible for coverage
  • A dependent loses health coverage due to a change in job status including starting or ending a job, beginning or returning from an unpaid leave of absence, and any other change in employment status that affects eligibility 
  • A Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO)
  • You become eligible for Medicare or Medicaid or you lose your Medicare or Medicaid coverage

For a complete list, refer to the Health & Welfare Summary Plan Description.